Advanced Users' Workshop
The 2-day Workshop is intended for users who have basic experience using Thermoflow's GT PRO, GT MASTER, and THERMOFLEX software. The Workshop is based on carefully selected samples, covering advanced features of GT PRO, GT MASTER and THERMOFLEX. The objective of the Workshop is to enhance attendees' ability to utilize the software for design of GTCC and cogeneration systems, and combining thermal power plants with renewables.
NOTE: This is an example of a syllabus for an Advanced Users' Workshop. The exact content of the course is subject to change depening on the needs of the customer.
Day 1
Conceptual Design / Project Screening
at the design point
application of Annual Yield Simulation
Gas Turbine
Vendor Data Matching
Use of the User-Defined GT Model
GT Inlet Conditioning
Inlet Cooling with Absorption Chillers and Storage
GT Fuel Heating
HRSG Design
1p, 2p, 3p Reheat Systems
HRSG Optimization in GT PRO/GT MASTER
Overall HRSG
Convective Superheater at various operating points
Day 2
Steam Turbine
Group Design, Optimization of ST Group intake capacity for extraction Steam Turbines in Cogen Plants
Exhaust End Design and Exhaust End Optimization
Controlled and Uncontrolled ST Extractions
Steam Turbine Vendor Data Maching
User-defined ST Performance
Creating a ST Catalog
Cooling Systems
Optimization of Cooling System Capacity
District Heating/Cogeneration Plants
Advanced District Heating Systems in THERMOFLEX
Combining GTs/GTCC/Recips with Renewables (Wind, PV)
THERMOFLEX Scripting and User-Defined Components
Running external programs in THERMOFLEX